The latest technological developments in the
fully automated cleaning of air coolers

Fully automated

Control system


Self learning

Discover the future of automation.

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Our fully automated cleaning system in use

The fully automated cleaning system

Full automation

An efficiently operated air-cooled heat exchanger requires regular cleaning. The previous standard of semi-automated cleaning systems is more and more replaced by fully automated cleaning systems, which JNW CleaningSolutions GmbH has been supplying since 2012 to the fullest customer satisfaction.

Central control

The first fully automated cleaning systems were initially decentralized and controlled from the air cooler level. In contrast to this, the cleaning systems are nowadays integrated and controlled centrally from the main control room.

Latest technologies

Thanks to the latest technological achievements in digitalization such as artificial intelligence (AI), cleaning is now easier and more efficient than ever before.

Self-learning programs

Today the entire cleaning process is completely in the hands of the operator. In future this process will be supported by intelligent and self-learning programs. These programs continuously monitor the production process, calculate the optimum time for cleaning, taking into account several parameters such as production schedules, degree of soiling, weather forecasts and suggest to the operator the perfect period for cleaning or even start the cleaning process of the air cooler independently.

Let’s talk!

If you would like to learn more about the latest technological developments of the fully automated cleaning for the planning and design of the next air cooler in your plant - please contact us! We will be happy to give advice and look forward to talk to you.

„An efficiently operated air cooler
requires regular cleaning.“

Arndt Krebs


Modular Cleaning System (MCS): Your way to fully automated air cooler cleaning

We have intensively analysed the numerous conversations with our customers over the past weeks, months and years and can identify a clear trend to fully automated cleaning systems.

The MCS-Concept developed by JNW Cleaning Solutions offers you the possibility of a step-by-step development of a fully automated cleaning system for your air-cooled heat exchanger.

„The customer is the most important visitor in our company.“

Mahatma Gandhi

Riad Jabeur

Sales & Business Development
Phone: +49 (0) 163 · 398 3413

David Bonacina

Sales & Business Development,
Phone: +33 659 800 559

Fabian Noack

Sales & Business Development,
Phone: +49 (0) 151 · 422 114 65

Naas Bester

Business Development Manager
South Africa
Phone: +27 83 387 1016

Paulinah Moloi

Office Manager
South Africa
Phone: +27 11 865 1237